I take back everything I said on my last post re: news channels over-reacting about the snow. Said snow is almost a foot deep now, and has dicked all over my plans for the week. On the one hand, I don't have to go into work for the foreseeable future, since no one wants to buy shoes in Arctic weather. On the other hand however, our Christmas night out has been cancelled, mine and Richard's plans to finally see Harry Potter have been scuppered, and Alice's birthday night out is off due to the birthday girl being stuck at her boyfriend's house in Wigan. I can't help but think that all this may be punishment from BBC News for my mocking of the snow coverage. I always suspected Fiona Bruce had supernatural powers.
Anyway, here are some fabulous photos I took of the snow:
This is the view from my living room window last night. |
My dad and one of the neighbours clearing snow. |
Nine inches! |
Our bench looking like a snow-bed. |
Usually it's pitch black by this time of night. |
This morning.

So Maybe The News Was Right...
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